Ph.D. (CUHK), B.E. (CUHK)
Email: jiax.l[AT]
I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2021, under the supervision of Professor LIEW Soung-Chang. I am pround to be a member of Advanced Wireless System Group (AWSG) at CUHK.
Prior to my Ph.D. study, I graduated with a B.E. degree in Information Engineering from the same department in 2015. I worked as a Research Assistant at the Insitute of Network Coding (INC) and was an undergraduate member of MobiTec, a research group focusing on mobile computing and wireless networking. I also co-founded and served as a curator for the CUHK Open Innovation Lab (CUHKOIL), a platform for students to explore and showcase their creative ideas.
You can find my CV here.
My recent reserach interests includes
Here are the recent news. All the news can be found here.
Our paper "Minimizing Age of Collection for Multiple Access in Wireless Industrial Internet of Things" has been accepted and will be appeared on IOTJ!
Excited to publish our paper about the searching technique of Bluetooth on INFOCOMM :)
I have joined Huawei @ 2021. Started a new chapter of my career!
Here are some selected publications. A complete list of publications is here.
Here are a summary list of my projects. A complete list of projects is here.
Here are my blog, with some latest news.
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